Benefits of Sustainable Sourcing will be Promoted at Packaging Innovations

Alex Todd

PEFC will be a participant at the Packaging Innovations show at Olympia in London.

At the show, PEFC will draw attention to the advantages of packaging materials that are sourced responsibly.

Chain of Custody certification of the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) helps packaging companies show that their raw elements are coming from green sources. It empowers the companies to make their products stand apart in the market and feel recognised for their commitment to sustainable sourcing.

Delta Packaging, which independently manufactures printed folding carton packaging, is a company that’s committed to sustainable sourcing. In March, Delta Packaging received a ‘Global Connectivity’ award accorded by a ‘KFC Annual Supplier Awards’ program.

Delta received the award for successfully and swiftly transferring KFC raw material to the PEFC process. This way, it provided assurances that KFC’s paper packaging materials were sourced from sustainably-managed forests.

Companies Recognised for their Sustainable Sourcing Efforts
Thanks to Delta Packaging’s effort, KFC is now permitted to implement the PEFC logo onto their packaging for using certified elements.

Benders Papers Cups is another packaging products manufacturer that has recognised Chain of Custody certification’s advantages. Benders is one of the prominent producers of paper hot cups in the UK. Connect Vending, UK’s one of the top independent vending operators has currently approached Benders.

Connect took this step to assist its move to 100% paper environmentally friendly hot cups for its spectrum of hot drinks vending appliances.

Connect Vending reached out to Benders for a quick fix for a particular paper cup, which they wanted their vending machines to offer their customers. They named it, especially “coffee shop experience” where a bespoke, branded paper cup of high quality would blend with the convenience of a vending appliance.

Benders Paper Cups is committed to using certified crude materials that come from trusted sources. It has got Chain of Custody certifications from both the ‘Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and PEFC. The certifications provide complete traceability of the products manufactured from elements coming from forests that are managed sustainably.

Benders BRC Grade-A manufacturing facility situated in North Wales allows every cup to be traced back to the raw material. The company also supports the strategy of Connect Vending.

Along with Benders, Connect Vending has recently developed a print to endorse the ‘green story’ of their cup. It also encourages its consumers to dispose of the cups so that they can be collected and recycled completely.

Effect of Rebranding Between Connect Vending and Benders Paper cups
In the past, businesses could get away with being unsustainable and having little to no social responsibility. However, times have changed.

New regulations on sustainability and demands for sustainable packaging products have pushed businesses across all sectors to notice. Thus, businesses have to create CSR policies to meet the needs of their stakeholders.

One aspect of a strong CSR policy is transparency. With the advent of social media, it’s easy for consumers to find out whether or not a company is living up to its sustainable promises.

As such, businesses must be clear about their sustainability goals and objectives. They must communicate openly and honestly about their progress. Additionally, they must be willing to engage with stakeholders on CSR issues and listen to feedback to continuously improve their policies and procedures.

Efficient Energy UsageSmarter Technology
In recent years, vending machines have undergone a high-tech makeover. Nowadays, many vending machines are equipped with smart technology, which offers several new sustainable opportunities.

For example, some machines can track stock levels and expiration dates. This tracking system reduces the need for manual intervention and ensures products are always fresh.

However, real work happens when these clever machines connect to the internet to perform important tasks. Through this connection, the vending machine receives updates on things like the weather, local events, and even the stock levels in your favourite supermarkets. This means that they can automatically adjust their settings to ensure that food is always fresh.

As the world becomes increasingly digital, it’s clear that vending machines are stepping up to meet the challenge. With more and more sustainable options becoming available, there’s never been a better time to take advantage of this convenient service.

Efficient Energy Usage
Vending machines have improved a lot since their invention. The early models were simple affairs, dispensing limited items like cigarettes and gum.

Today, modern vending machines can dispense an almost endless variety of items, from drinks and snacks to medical supplies and electronics. They are more efficient than 10 or 20 years ago.

Energy efficiency is important in these machines as most models need a continuous connection to a power source daily. Depending on the size and special features, vending machines and solutions can use as little electricity as a domestic fridge.

By investing in energy-efficient vending machines, businesses can reduce their carbon footprints and operating costs and comply with requirements in sustainable sourcing. In addition, they can also enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing they are doing their part to protect the environment.

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