What Bags Can You Heat Seal?
You can heat seal a wide range of bags with our sealing equipment. It depends on the packaging film as there are a few exceptions.
Often though commodity type films will be single, mono layer or multi-layer, coated thermoplastics. Generally, bags that include PE (polyethylene), PP (polypropylene), PVC (Polyvinyl chloride), ALU (aluminium), PA (polyamide/nylon) & OPA (Polyamide Nylon) can all be heat sealer with our machinery.
Laminated, multi layered films are also perfectly compatible, these will often contain PET (polyester), ALOX PET (aluminium oxide), LDPE (low density polyethylene) or HDPE (high density polyethylene) often combined with one or more of the above substrates.
Mylar® (BoPET) & Tyvek® can be sealed with our equipment.
FEP film (fluorinated ethylene propylene) can also be sealed but requires non-standard machinery. Get in touch to discuss your requirements.