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Cortec Oil Resistant Paper VpCI® 148 Grease Resistant Corrosion Inhibiting Paper.

Cortec Oil Resistant Paper VpCI® 148 Grease Resistant Corrosion Inhibiting Paper.

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Cortec VpCI 148 ® is a grease & oil resistant paper that contains Cortec’s patented VpCI® corrosion Inhibitors to protect goods during transport and storage.

Cortec VpCI® 148 is a grease and oil resistant paper for the packaging, storage and shipment of sensitive metal items.

VpCI 148 combines a grease & oil resistant paper construction with Cortec’s Vapour Phase Corrosion Inhibitors for enhanced protection of your goods during transport and storage.

VPCI 148 is resistant to grease, oils and solvent. Unlike other wax coated paper alternatives which can exacerbate existing environmental problems, VPCI 148 contains a bio based organic coating that is fully recyclable and repulpable.

Like with all Cortec VpCI papers 148 is made from neutral and natural Kraft paper. A fluorochemical free product.

Features & Benefits of VpCI® 148 Oil Resistant Paper

  • Multifunctional, grease, oil & solvent resistance
  • Does not absorb oil or grease onto the paper. It remains captive on the surface of the metal part
  • Unlike traditional wax coated VCI papers VpCI 148 does not create any hazardous waste
  • Can be used to protect all metals, both ferrous and non-ferrous
  • Bio based material construction
  • Does not contain nitrites, phosphates, silicones, chromates and heavy metals
  • 3M kit rating = 9
  • Ideal for overseas export packaging of both dry and oiled parts.

Applications & Uses for of VpCI® 148

VpCI 148 can be used to protect products that require lubrication. It performs exceptionally well when used as wrapping for the likes of bearings and other components when being stored or shipped or potentially hazardous conditions.

You can use 148 as:

  • Single ‘mono’ layer packaging (or interleaving)
  • Sheet liners (to separate products)
  • Metal working & fabrication. Springs, bearings, fasteners, tubes, pipes & nails
  • Finished products such as heavy machinery, engines, tools, instruments, motors and other devices
  • Metal forging and die casted parts

How to Apply

Simply place the grease resistance side of the paper facing outwards. Then wrap the parts into the unprinted side. (this contains the corrosion inhibitor formula) whilst keeping it as close to the surface of the metal item as possible.

Try to leave little or no barrier/obstruction between the paper and the metal surface.

We recommend you use approximately 1ft square of VpCI paper for each 3 ft³ of surface to be protected. We suggest you use 1ft square of paper for every 0.5 ft³ of void space.


Product Specifications (.PDF)

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