Staying Ahead in Sustainable Packaging in 2022 - Some Trends

Alex Todd

Sustainable packaging is gaining increasing attention as our planet's resources become increasingly limited and costly.

Sustainable Packaging

Sustainable packaging is not only better for the environment, but it also helps reduce costs associated with product transport, storage, and disposal.

Sustainable packaging can also be used to extend the shelf life of products while reducing waste by optimizing package size in retail packaging. Sustainable materials such as bioplastic reduce landfill waste and lower CO2 production - we have a responsibility to explore these options more carefully and make changes wherever possible. Sustainable packaging innovators will play an increasingly important role in driving organisations toward sustainable solutions for their packaging needs.

The urgency around sustainable packaging cannot be underestimated - although it requires a long-term commitment from a business, this topic should remain at the top of everyone's agenda.

So how should a company aim to stay ahead of most of the competition in the provision of sustainable packaging in 2022?

The Current Situation with Product Packaging and Recycled Materials

The recycling system in America is broken and needs repair. To help move a business towards its 2025 sustainability commitments, last year states passed ground-breaking legislation that will revolutionise how we deal with this problem today.

In 2021, it became increasingly clear that we have a waste problem in this country – and not just one of the global proportions but particularly apparent here at home with our throwaway culture.

The waste generated from our single-use culture is a mounting challenge for which recycling is no longer the long-term solution. This is due to changing materials and manufacturing processes, meaning some materials are not able to be recycled or repurposed in a meaningful way.

Sustainable packaging solutions such as flexible packaging, compostable packaging, green packaging, reusable containers, dispensers, multi-part items, and increased use of flexible packaging are among the ways we can tackle this issue of accumulating waste. By investing in these solutions, we can create a more sustainable cycle of production and consumption that will benefit our planet for years to come.

Here are some trends for achieving sustainable packaging in 2022.

Sustainable Packaging Trends - Packaging Sustainability

Extended Producer Responsibility Helps with Packaging Sustainability

Recycling initiatives are gaining traction across the United States as people more deeply appreciate the multi-faceted benefits that come from preserving and conserving our natural resources. In a recent effort to further promote sustainable practices, laws have been passed in both Maine and Oregon that require manufacturers to assume more responsibility for their products' recycling costs and collection. By holding producers responsible for post-consumer waste generated from their goods, citizens can rest easier knowing that companies bear the consequence of creating unnecessary packaging.

The result of such changes is an environment with greater accountability, allowing eco-conscious consumers to make informed decisions about where and how they spend their money.

Truth in Labelling on Packaging Products Showing Recycled Materials
Product labels are a powerful form of communication in the modern economy. Accurate information is essential for informed consumer decision-making and comprehensive product labelling is needed to make sure that buyers have access to all relevant facts. That's why it's so important to support bills like the truth in labelling bill, which seeks to better regulate and safeguard product label accuracy.

This is especially necessary in our rapidly evolving digital world, where there are many products created quickly, often with intricate or controversial ingredients. With this bill, legislators will be able to better protect consumers from bad actors who may look to deceive or manipulate potential customers with inaccurate labels. Product agencies must remain vigilant in working towards comprehensive and accurate label regulations because informer shoppers are essential for building trust in the market.

Toxins Removal a Sustainable Packaging Solution for Recyclable Materials
Recycling is an important process for reducing environmental impact, but traditional recycling methods often leave toxic materials behind in product packaging. Fortunately, there are now innovations that can remove these toxins from the materials before recycling. This helps us ensure that recycled products are safe for use and contribute to a healthier planet.

Furthermore, when using these processes for toxin removal, we don't add any additional toxins of our own back into the environment, meaning that it's not just safer - it's also much more eco-friendly.

A holistic Approach to Packaging Material Means More Eco-Friendly Packaging
As recycling processes become increasingly more efficient, packaging materials have the potential to become recyclable, even across different types of materials. Companies are now taking a holistic approach to packaging, selecting materials that not only benefit the environment, but also the stakeholders and the brand’s customers—which creates a win-win situation for all. Whether through flexible packaging, compostable containers, or reusable packaging, companies can develop strategies that reduce their environmental impacts while continuing to offer quality products and services. A holistic approach is an effective way of providing plans that satisfy stakeholders and consumers alike.

More Accountability for Small Businesses to Governments
Ensuring accountability in line with the Sustainable Packaging Coalition plans is more pertinent than ever due to the current worldwide climate change crisis. Reusable packaging initiatives are a great step forward towards reducing both the amount of waste our planet is producing, as well as developing sustainable alternatives that are both cost-effective and environment friendly.

Reaching out to local and national governments, businesses, and communities alike to increase awareness of such initiatives is essential; while incorporating incentives that benefit all stakeholders may prove even more effective when producing new packaging regulations and ideas.

The Sustainable Packaging Coalition is looking forward to seeing progress toward its goals in 2022. “We're that much closer,” said Goodrich, noting the scorecard for benchmarking the company's performance will be an important tool during this period. It all comes down to acting and making the changes needed by 2025 standards, sooner if necessary.”

To read more articles about the packaging industry and products please visit our website.

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