Chemical Recycling Technology To Address The Plastic Problem | Valdamark Direct

Alex Todd

It is common knowledge that the current volumes of plastics being used is unsustainable.


Due mostly to the huge amount of waste being discarded in landfills and the oceans it is doing tremendous damage to natural habitats and eco systems.

Since the 1970’s mechanical recycling has been used as the primary method for recycling. The so called ‘back to plastics’ method has been used to transform waste into reusable raw material. Quantities however vary drastically depending on geographical position.

The Chemical Recycling Buzzword
Chemical Recycling has become a by word in recent times for using technology as a potential solution to the plastic packaging problem. Critics of this approach cite the potential environmental hazards that come with the use of recycling chemicals as well as health risks through exposure and inefficiency.

Does the current chemical recycling technology have the potential to fix this huge issue?

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