Export Packaging Materials – Packaging your goods for Export.

Alex Todd

The goal of export packaging is to ensure your valuable goods arrive at the end user, defect free and in factory condition.


Mainly used a shipping method to get goods to clients overseas it is often referred to as transport packaging or freight packaging.

Usually this method brings together different export packaging materials to form both different layers of protection and to the meet the strict requirements for this type of shipping.

This can be broken down into three general sub types.

Transport Packaging
This is the external layer designed to offer protection from environmental hazards and rough handling that often occur in the supply chain.

This protection comes in the form of wooden crates and boxes, metal drums, foil bags, shrink wrap,

To provide a deterrent to bad handling clients may opt for additional protection with consumables like Shockwatch and Tiltwatch labels.

These can be attached to the outer layer of the shipment. Providing maximum visual presence to whoever is handling them.

Outer Packaging
This can be seen as the intermediate layer.

Often this is not relevant to export packaging as it tends to be used for retail goods focusing on appearance.

This can be marketing material including branding, livery and shelf ready formats.

Storage Packaging
Storage packaging tends to focus more on the preservation of the product inside. The may be hermetically sealed foil bags to ensure the shelf life of the products.

Or a tailor made solution that may involve VCI or Silica Gel products to guarantee good product condition for storage that can last years.

There are many variables to take into consideration with storage. Often it isn’t just enough to trust a solution for more or even years in storage. Clients will want to continually monitor the contents along with the moisture and humidity levels that the packaging specification requires.

This means easy access often with custom built crates and tailored export packaging materials.

Wood Packaging Regulations in the UK
Wood is the most commonly used of the export packaging materials. It’s popularity in international trade means that’s due to the risk associated with it like pests it must be strictly controlled by law.

Most destination will have their own wood packaging requirements that must be complied with.

If your exporting from the UK though you must meet the International Standard of Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM15). The most commonly used measure of wood packaging. This is recognised across the UK, EU, North America and China. It is often referred to as a ‘global passport’ for wood packaging.

If your exporting from the UK to Europe then generally there is a presumption that the quality of your wood automatically complies with European Community Internal Plant Health Regulations. So in practice there are no controls in place.

Visit Gov UK here for more information.

Defence Standards in the UK
The main responsibilities for the UK Defence Standard specification is to provide specific performance specifications to support military capabilities.

Also know as DefStan or DStan it delivers standardisation for projects that require government consistency and performance.

Typical standards you may encounter for export packaging materials included Def Stan 81-75. A MOD prescribed defence standard that covers barrier laminates and heat sealable materials like foil bags and flexible packaging.

In Comparison the German Din Standards and American Military Specifications serve a similar purpose to the defence standards in the Uk. They too seek to develop norms for quality control, environmental protection, safety and communication.

For more information on UK Defence Standards visit the government site.

For more information on Export Packaging Materials including Shockwatch, Tiltwatch, Drop N Tell and Tip N Tell visit our UK corporate website.

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