Corrosorber® – An Efficient and Economical Way to Absorb Corrosive Gases Before They Attack

Alex Todd

Corrosive gases have become a great menace in an array of critical industries causing failure in electrical and electronic instruments.

VpCI 105 Emitter
There are three types of corrosive gases that are prime culprits in corroding electronics and electrical components:

  • Acidic gases – examples include; Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), nitrogen oxides, sulfur, chlorine, etc.
  • Caustic gases, for example, ammonia.
  • Strong oxidants, for example, ozone.

These gases affect electronics and electrical equipment by reducing their lifespan. They cause buildups in electronics and electrical components, forcing them to overwork and consequently overheat.

Industries that Suffer a Great Deal from Corrosive Gases
Corrosion, in general, is a dangerous and cost-intensive problem across many industries. However, several critical sectors suffer the most due to corrosive gases.

They include;

  • Wastewater treatment plants – this industry suffers a lot because acidic, caustic, and oxidizing gases dissolve in wastewater. Consequently, damages occur when critical electrical components and electronics absorb these corrosive gases.
  • Paper mills – paper mills suffer a great deal during the production of paper from organic materials because the process generates Hydrogen Sulfide and sulfur components. The gas is acidic and, therefore, causes much corrosion to electronics and electrical components if there is no proper mitigation.
  • Petrochemical plants – petrochemical plants also suffer a lot when processing petroleum-based chemicals. This process produces a lot of mercaptans, which damage electronics and electrical components if there is no proper mitigation.

Cortec Corrosorber® – An Efficient and Economical Solution to Absorbing Corrosive Gases

Cortec® has devised an economical and efficient way of handling these gases using Corrosorber®. Corrosorber® is a small and easy-to-install capsule that absorbs corrosive gases that cause irreversible damage to electronics and electrical components.

Cortec® packages Corrosorber® in small plastic cups full of absorptive material. The dimensions of the small plastic cups are small enough to fit in any electrical component, for example, fuse boxes.

In addition, Corrosorber® plastic cups have an adhesive back – a genius improvisation that allows the plastic cups to be attached anywhere.

The plastic cups are also breathable, allowing corrosive gases to flow. Corrosorber® offers a unique solution when compared to its competitors. It can withhold the gases away from the atmosphere after absorbing them.

In addition, Corrosorber® indicates that it is no longer suitable for use (requires replacement) when the cup turns grey from the outside. It internally changes color from an off-white to black

Why Using Corrosorber® is Beneficial
According to a report submitted by a USA-based wastewater treatment company, corrosive gases set them back at least $15,000 to $40,000 every two months.

These corrosive gases damaged Human Machine Interfaces panels (HMI) and completely damaged entire HMI machines after every six months. On top of that, there were also a lot of downtimes, which is bad for business.

The wastewater company then decided to handle corrosive gases by powering down HMI panels and using VpCI vapour phase corrosion inhibitors. VpCI® molecules (delivered in the form of ElectriCorr™ VpCI®-239 electrical corrosion prevention spray) formed a protective layer on these panels, consequently protecting the machines from corrosive gases.

In addition to using VpCI®, the company used Corrosorber® to absorb corrosive gases and a complementary Cortec VpCI-111 emitter. After doing that consistently for a whole year, cases of damaged HMI panels were reduced by 100%.

How to Use Corrosorber® Correctly
You can attach Corrosorber® can almost anywhere, thanks to its adhesive back. It can be installed in electrical instruments, fuse boxes, electrical wireways, power boxes, electric motors, remote electronics, and telecommunications equipment.

Depending on the amount and concentration, Corrosorber® can be used alone or with a complementary corrosion inhibitor. Using VpCI® helps a great deal by enhancing protection against corrosion.

Cortec VpCI emitters complement Corrosorber® by first removing corrosive gases. The emitters then form a protective layer around electrical components and electronics in areas with highly concentrated corrosive gases.

Corrosorber® is an easy-to-install, economical, and efficient way to deal with corrosive gases. It can be used alone or with complementary VCI emitters (Cortec® VpC-105 or 111) if the level or concentration of these gases is high.

In addition, Corrosorber® cups are unique as they do not release the trapped gases back into the atmosphere after absorbing them. After Corrosorber® is wholly used, its plastic cup turns grey, indicating that replacement is needed.

Institutions, industries, and companies that suffer from high exposure to corrosive gases can minimise their equipment maintenance and replacement costs by acquiring Corrosorber®.

Still not sure of what to do? Please reach out to Cortec® to help develop corrosion mitigation for you.

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