The Can Makers has teamed up with the Metal Packaging Manufacturers Association (MPMA).

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An interesting alliance!

The Metal Packaging Manufacturers Association has teamed up with Can Makers to make one definitive body. 

The UK trade group for the beverage cans manufacturers will continue to represent manufacturers within the association.

This merge will see beverage can makers join forces with other metalized film packaging manufacturers to form the new ‘can makers’ committee.

From the outside looking in operations will not change for the most part. This action is meant to streamline existing processes and enable a diverse industry to operate more effectively.

It should also improve communication between key people & stakeholders. This has been a sticking point between members in the past.

The industry is looking forward with sustainability being a key driver for projects in the future. The new merger should allow for closer coordination & cooperation on key messages and initiatives

.The can makers committee has commented that drink cans are the most recycled of the all the drink containers. Looking forward they see this recyclability as being a great way to achieve a circular economy.

The closer cooperation with the new group should make for a stronger industry voice that can make bulk packaging for liquids viable and sustainable into the future!

It is true that generally speaking Producers, retailers and consumers all see cans as the most sustainable metal packaging going forward.

This merger aims to really get that message out there!